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Running for leisure is one of the most popular exercise in the world. It has numerous health benefits for the body, such as increased blood circulation and better cognitive abilities. Running as a workout is easy to do. You can simply go outside with a suitable pair of shoes to run. There is no need to make an appointment, travel to a sports arena, or pay for a gym membership. Because running is so easy to do, many people ignore the fact that it increases one's risk of injury.


According to studies, up to 50% of dedicated runners are injured each year. In this article, you will find out how to avoid such injuries caused by running. So, you can enjoy doing this fun physical activity without fear of harming your health.

What are the important preparation you can do for a safe running?

The easiest way to prevent injuries during your running workout is to make sure you are properly prepared. And some of the ways you can ensure adequate preparation for running include:


Warming up before running is essential because it prepares your muscles and joints for the stimulation you will encounter during training. Doing a simple warm-up routine is fine. But you should try incorporating a dynamic warm-up workout with movements that work the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Depending on your fitness level, you can also jog or walk for 5 to 10 minutes before you start your running workout.

Respect the process

Whether you're just starting or you have been running for more than ten years, you shouldn't make every workout a competition, with each session being faster than the last. This is a classic mistake many runners make in their eagerness to cover more miles quickly. Most times, such overzealousness often lead to injury. You should respect your process and remember that results do not come overnight but from consistent training. Experts say that a good rule of thumb is to increase your running intensity by 10% weekly. Doing this will help you gradually evolve your training and reduce your risk of injury.

Strengthen your muscles

Strong muscles can help prevent running injury by protecting your joints and connective tissues. That is why you should include some strength training exercises in your routine. Complementary activities like weight lifting can help to increase your muscle mass, improve cardiorespiratory capacity, and increase your endurance. All of this combined will help prevent injuries and improve performance.

Watch your weight

Most people assume that running is a good way to lose weight. But remember that the impact generated during the race can be up to three times your body weight. If you are overweight or obese, running will significantly increase the pressure on your ankles, knees, and hips, which can lead to injuries. So, you can either run at a slower pace or jog instead to protect your body.

How do you protect yourself when running?

Running is a physical activity that puts a lot of pressure on your body. While you can take preventative measures before you start running, there are some things you can do during your training to reduce your risk of injury further. And they include:

Do not overdo the exercise intensity

Physical activity is essential for improving your health, but it should not be done excessively. Your training and the power you use in your workouts must be tailored to your specific capabilities. Do not try to run faster every minute. And avoid the urge to compete or keep pace with others. To avoid running injuries, it is important that you take it easy and listen to your body as you work out. You should slow down if you are out of breath and pick up the pace again when you feel better.

Stay focused

Running on the treadmill can be more enjoyable by playing a song or watching a Netflix series on your smartphone. However, studies show that distraction is an enemy of exercise because it increases the likelihood of injury. Whether you are on a treadmill or running outside, you should always be aware of your surroundings and maintain a good balance.

Pay attention to your body

Most running injuries do not occur suddenly; rather, they develop gradually over time. The problem is that many runners frequently ignore the subtle warning signs and continue training, even when they are in pain. If you ignore your body's warning signs, a minor issue that could be resolved with a few days of rest can develop into a more serious injury that requires medical attention.

Choose your terrain wisely

Running create tension in the body, which is increased when you run on hard surfaces (asphalt and concrete). So, if possible, you should run on trails, dirt tracks, gravel tracks, and beaches. You should also try to change your terrain from time to time to avoid running in the same place, which can make you more accustomed to your environment and reduce your concentration.

Run properly

The main secret to improving your running performance is to reduce energy expenditure by staying relaxed during your training. This enables you to run with less strain on your joints, which will help you avoid injuries. A good running technique consists primarily of good limb and shoulder alignment during the race, an adequate stride length, and landing with the midfoot on the ground.

How can I run every day without injuries?

When you run, the body sustains minor injuries, but the damage is repaired during the post-workout recovery process. This is why resting, and post-workout activities are important, as doing these activities helps to rebuild the body with better tissues and stronger muscles.

If you don't adhere to a proper post-workout routine, the body gradually deteriorates and wears out until it reaches the point of injury.

For this reason, it is not advisable to run every day. Instead, you should try running every other day, alternating between rest and exercise.

Some popular post-workout activities include ice baths, sports massages, and regenerative training. If you want something simpler, you can try exercising with a massage ball. These stress relief toys are cheap and easy to use. A massage ball can help you ease tension in your muscles which improves your recovery time so you can run regularly.


What stretches you can do before running?

Doing a warm-up stretch routine before running is a great way to prevent injuries. There are many different ways you can stretch. And some of them include:

  • Side lunge

  • Arm swings

  • Forward bent-knee

  • Leg swings

  • Hip flexion

  • Calf raises while standing


Running helps to improve our health by promoting metabolism and increasing blood circulation. But it also increases the risk of injuries. So, you should be cautious while running and prepare properly before you go for a run. Remember to stretch, use proper running techniques, and listen to your body as you run.

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