Depression is a disease that most people still don't fully understand. It affects mood and makes it hard to feel happy or satisfied with things in life.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that about 4 percent of Americans over the age of 18 have depression. But the World Health Organization (WHO) says that depression affects about 350 million people of all ages around the world and is the leading cause of disability. Even scarier is that the WHO says this disease will be the second leading cause of loss of quality of life in the world by 2030.

Depression is a mental disorder that causes changes in mood and behavior. A person with depression lives in a constant state of negativity, pessimism, hopelessness, inactivity, or apathy, with peaks of impulsivity, aggression, and anxiety. People suffer and even become disabled because of these changes, which is one of the most common psychiatric conditions in the world today.
In this article, you'll find out how to avoid depression and what you can do to make it less of a problem in your life.
How can depression be avoided?
Even though depression is a complicated illness, there are some things you can do that can help prevent and treat depression. These include;
Workout regularly
Physical activity is a great way to prevent and manage depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and other mental illnesses without drugs. Moving your body for at least 20 minutes a day helps your body make and release "happiness hormones."
Endorphin is one of the major happiness hormones that makes you feel good and relieves stress. Dopamine is another one that makes you feel calm and helps you get things done. Also, serotonin helps prevent depression, sleep disorders, and anxiety.
The body makes these hormones on its own, but physical activities speed up the process.
Try meditation
Meditation acts as a way to calm down and deter negative thoughts. Depression brings on a lot of bad thoughts and feelings, but meditating can help you clear your mind. Just five minutes a day of meditation can make a big difference in your mental health.
It is very easy to get started with meditation. You can use a soft-beeping timer or a guided meditation to figure out how long you need to meditate. To start, you should;
Sit with your back against a wall or the back of a chair
You can stretch or bend your legs
Close your eyes
Take deep breaths until your muscles feel less tense
Keep your breathing steady for about 10 to 15 minutes (make sure you focus on your breath)
Take your mind off breathing and slowly open your eyes to finish the practice.
Volunteering is a good option
Help a cause by giving your time. There are many NGOs and institutions that need help with simple tasks like cleaning, making meals, organizing materials, and helping with events.
Most times, depression makes you feel like your problems are bigger than they are. This is why depressed people shut out the rest of the world. Knowing what other people's lives are like and giving your time and skills without expecting anything in return will help you see that the world is more interesting and diverse than you thought.
Get a hobby
Having a favorite thing to do that makes you want to get up early can keep you from being stuck in your thoughts all day. Also, doing activities that give you a lot of joy can help you get through hard times because they distract you and make you feel good about yourself.
At any age, it's important to have a hobby. You can try quilting, calligraphy, baking, bird watching, or cooking. These are all great ideas for a hobby. Since most hobbies involve some physical activities, it is also a good way to get your body moving.
What everyday exercise you can do to reduce and avoid depression?
A major review of dozens of studies on strength training and depression found that lifting weights can make people feel better. The studies also say that resistance exercise, in general, makes people feel a lot less depressed, no matter how they feel at first or how often or how little they go to the gym and lift weights.
Many more studies show that exercise can help prevent and treat depression. In 2016, for example, a large review that included more than a million people found that being physically fit makes a person much less likely to get clinical depression.
In addition, researchers have found that people who have already been diagnosed with depression can feel better when they exercise.
While most experts agree that exercising is good for your mental health, research shows that aerobic exercises like walking and running are more likely to help you boost your mood.
Other types of exercise you can do to ease your depression symptoms are anxiety and stress relief low-intensity activities like yoga and Pilates.
How stress balls can help with depression?
Stress balls are fun and colorful toys meant to help you relax. They are very popular, and most people agree that these balls work really well.
However, it's important to know that stress balls can't prevent or treat depression. But it can help you feel better if you have this condition. Stress is a major cause of depression, so this makes sense. Researchers have found that people who have had chronic stress (constant stress) for a long time are more likely to get depressed. So, stress balls can't treat depression directly, but they are a good and cheap way to deal with things like stress that can make you more likely to have depression.

How can we solve the problem of depression?
Most people who are depressed take antidepressants to feel better. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that affect your mood and emotional health. These drugs help keep those chemicals in balance. Therapy is also a great way to help people who are depressed. Most of the time, you might choose more than one treatment to help you get better. You should see a doctor to learn more about how to handle your specific situation.
Depression is a complicated disease, and you may have to fight the disease for the rest of your life, but that shouldn't make you sad. Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for help. If you try to run away from your problems, they will only get worse. Every time you do something to improve your health, you show yourself that you care about your well-being, which makes you feel better.