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An excellent explanation for the popularity of the foam roller as a treatment tool for muscular discomfort and post-workout soreness is that it is effective in a variety of situations. Foam rollers are an excellent treatment choice for mobilizing tight tissue, especially when it comes to larger portions of the body that you wish to target. But what if you want to focus your attention on a certain tight muscle spot that is extremely small? Is there anything you can do if the muscle you want to work on isn't easily mobilized by using a foam roller? What happens if you don't have a foam roller with you when you need it? The massage with ball comes into play.

Muscle Recovery  with massage ball
Muscle Recovery

Sometimes the secret to reducing your pain or soreness is simply choosing the appropriate instrument, and a massage ball may be the ideal new tool in your arsenal against muscle pain. A massage with ball provides a number of advantages over other types of tissue mobilization devices, as listed below. A firm massage ball that conforms well to muscles of all shapes and sizes, the massage ball is ideal. This is because its smaller size helps you to work the space between muscle groups more effectively. It also lets you apply concentrated pressure to the muscular bellies using your own bodyweight because of its smaller size. Most importantly, the small size of a massage ball allows you to carry it with you wherever you go for instantaneous relaxation and treatment.

How foods help with muscle recovery

• Whole eggs

Eating whole eggs can aid with weight loss.

After exercise, researchers at the University of Illinois advised men who frequently lifted to eat three eggs or a mixture of egg whites with 18g of protein. Then they measured their protein synthesis rates, which is the engine that propels muscle growth.


As little as 9g of dairy may be enough to kick-start the muscle-building process.

After a lower-body strength training session, men drank either a milk-based beverage with 9 grams of protein or a carbohydrate-only beverage with the same number of calories. While the carb-only placebo had little effect on muscle growth after a workout, the 9 grams of dairy protein had a significant impact.

• Smoked salmon

Higher intakes of omega-3 fatty acids present in certain fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, have been linked to decreased levels of delayed onset muscle soreness following resistance exercise, according to research.

Omega-3s may find their way into your muscle cells, where they aid in reducing the exercise-induced damage that leads to severe inflammation. Another reason to go fishing for post-workout sustenance: Omega-3 fats can activate pathways in your body that enhance muscle protein synthesis, according to research from Washington University School of Medicine.

• Herbal tea

Men who drank yerba mate tea recovered from eccentric activity far faster than those who drank simply water, according to a research published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

It could be phenol antioxidants, which are naturally contained in the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis shrub, from which mate is derived. Because yerba mate contains naturally occurring stimulants, ingesting it before an exercise can also help you feel more energized.

• Whole-grain bread

Bread has a poor reputation these days, yet carbohydrates nourish active muscles (not to mention your brain). Carbohydrates of high quality, such as those found in whole-grain bread, go a great way in replenishing your muscles.

Don't give it too much thought. A simple sandwich can be very filling. Use whole-wheat bread to make an egg salad sandwich. It's packed with whole grains, fiber, and protein, plus it's free of artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers.

Reduce Muscle Pain with exercise and massage ball
Reduce Muscle Pain

How does massage help muscle recovery?

A lacrosse ball could help break up the connective tissue surrounding your muscles that can become rigid from prolonged sitting, bad posture, or exercise when used for self-myofascial release (aka massage). The ability to loosen up hard-to-reach places distinguishes the lacrosse ball from a foam roller.

Target shoulder anxiety and stress relief (laying down)

Lay down on a stable surface and place the lacrosse ball between you and the floor. Maintain the proper pressure for around 30 seconds while extending your arms in different directions to target the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades, such as the trapezius (traps) muscle. This ensures that you massage the muscles from a variety of angles. It's possible that you'll have to reposition the ball several times to massage the entire trapezius muscle.

Target glute pain

The gluteus maximus can be relieved by placing a lacrosse ball between the floor and the area that hurts or feels tight (the largest of the gluteal muscles). Bring a foot up and place it on the knee of the opposite leg while keeping your balance. Make sure you're pressing firmly on the ball for roughly 30 seconds before moving on to the next step.

Loosen tight hips

Lie on a side with knees bent 90 degrees on a sturdy surface. Raise your hips and rest your hands on the floor in front of you. Lower your weight onto the ball and place it directly beneath the strained spot. Keep that position or roll the ball in a rotary motion for about 30 seconds with firm pressure. Move the ball up and down your side to target the iliotibial band (IT band), glutes, or any other tightness or pain you're experiencing.

loosen tight hamstrings

Sit in a hard chair or at a table high enough to allow your legs to dangle freely. Place the lacrosse ball under your thigh and move it around until you find a sore place along your hamstring. For increased pressure, lean forward and rest your arm and full weight on your thigh. Slowly extend and bend your knee for around 30 seconds while keeping the ball in that position. Move the ball up and down to hit different spots where you're feeling tight or in pain.

Does eating help muscle recovery?

Nutritional deficiency has been demonstrated in studies to slow wound healing. Our bodies use the nutrients (fats, proteins, carbs, vitamins, and minerals) in our food to aid in the recuperation process.

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