Is it good to massage feet with a ball?
The massage ball’s size, shape, and weight make it the perfect tool to massage your feet almost anywhere. For most people, massaging the bottom of the foot with a golf ball is an extremely effective way to temporarily reduce pain from plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.
A simple DIY foot massage is a quick way to promote relaxation – and it provides a host of health benefits to boot (sorry for the pun). In the practice of reflexology, the foot is full of pressure points that correlate with every part of the body. Massaging your feet not only relieves sore muscles, it stimulates pressure points, bringing wellness to your entire system.
Whether you have an injury, high arches, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, bunions o,r calluses, massage ball exercises for feet provide an easy, inexpensive self-maintenance tool for healthy feet. One major benefit of using a massage ball for foot pain is that you’ll be able to target those trigger points with the aid of massage ball trigger point therapy.
a massage ball massage can offer all of the following benefits:

Helps temporarily numb pain signals from nerves in the foot
Triggers a healing response that can bring down inflammation and swelling
Helps break up scar tissue and adhesion that restrict movement and cause pain
Relieves stress and promotes a greater sense of well-being by prompting the release of endorphins (hormones that can help block pain signals), serotonin, and dopamine
Improves oxygen and nutrient absorption in the foot muscles
Stimulates blood flow to the arch and improves circulation
Lowers cortisol levels, which helps promote recovery and healing
Relaxes and loosens tight, constricted muscles and ligaments
How to massage the feet with a Massage ball
Start by sitting on a chair and placing the massage ball under your foot
Gently apply as much pressure as you can tolerate to push the ball into the floor, rolling the ball back and forth from your toes to your heel.
Roll the ball for at least 30 seconds and switch to the other foot.
Perform the rolling massage ball exercise two to four days per week to prevent foot-related injuries.
How to use massage ball for plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel and foot pain. Fortunately, stretches and foot massage that you can do at home may help relieve pain and prevent the condition from becoming chronic.
Massage balls are perfect for those who suffer from plantar fasciitis or have a persistent dull pain. Using a massage ball for foot pain can provide temporary relief and help stimulate blood flow to the injured area and aid muscle recovery. Massage ball trigger point therapy are effective for healing sore muscles.
You can massage the plantar fasciitis using a Massage ball either sitting or standing.
Sitting method:
Sit on a chair with your feet planted on the ground in front of you.
Place the golf ball below one foot, and roll it from the ball of your foot down to your heel bone.
Apply as much pressure as you can tolerate while you roll. The golf ball exercise may feel uncomfortable at first, but it shouldn’t cause sharp or excruciating pain, or further inflame your injured arch.
Standing method:
Stand with support from wall or a stable surface
Place your foot on the Massage ball and slowly roll along the bottom of the foot
You can change the intensity by increasing your weight on the ball
If you find a sore spot you can hold and wait on that point until the tightness subsides
Complete for 5 minutes on each foot
This can also be completed on a roller is you don’t have a spiky ball
How do you massage your legs with a ball?
Sit on the ground or mat.
Stretch out the leg you want to work while bending your other leg at 90 degrees.
Place the massage ball underneath the calf you want to work at the top near the knee
Put both hands behind you on the floor to brace your body.
Move your butt back and forth so the massage ball moves up and down your calf muscle.
Focus on working 1-2 inch sections of your calf for 10-20 seconds before repositioning.
Rotate your leg inward or outward to target other sections of your calf.
For added pressure place your other leg on top of the leg you’re working
Sit upright with the foam roller placed horizontally under your calves.
Using your hands to push your hips off the ground, slowly roll your calves up and down over the roller for one minute.
Use your hands to control the amount of pressure and shift your legs to stretch multiple angles.

How to use massage ball on calves
Our calf muscles are made up of the gastrocnemius the largest calf muscle – and the soleus – a large, flat muscle that lies underneath the gastrocnemius. Trigger points in these muscles can lead to pain in the back of the knee, calf, and the instep of the foot.Massaging the muscles of the calves with massage ball is an effective way of aiding muscles recovery
Because of the peculiarity of the two calves muscle,how the massage ball is used on these parts differs
Full Calf Massage
Start by placing your ball on the floor.
Position your lower leg so that the ball is placed directly above your Achilles tendon. Place your left foot on the floor to help you roll forward and back on the ball.
Slide your body forward to roll the ball up towards your knee. Stop whenever you find a knot, hold for 20 seconds, and then move on.
Soleus Massage
Begin by placing your tennis ball on the floor.
Position your lower leg on the tennis ball so that it rests right above the Achilles tendon.
Let the full weight of your leg press down on the ball. Take tiny movements until you find a tight spot, then hold for 20 seconds.
Gastrocnemius Release
To begin, sit on the floor. Place a yoga block in front of you and put your tennis ball on top of it.
Position your right leg so that the meaty part of your calf is resting on the ball.
Place your other leg over the leg you are massaging and cross your ankles.
Then place your palms down by your sides with straight arms.
Press up with your arms to lift your hips and feel the tennis ball press into your calf. You can make small movements until you find a point of tension.
Hold down for at least 20 seconds and then gently release.