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Simply put, the spiky ball has the potential to transform lives. They are the most important rehabilitation tool we have, and you will find a basket full of them at our front desk.

On the outside, these rough little nuggets appear to be spiky and stiff, but after you've mastered some basic tactics, they'll quickly become your favorite partner!

In recent years, spiky balls have become an extremely popular instrument for doing self-therapy on various muscle-related ailments. They are also a practical way for athletes and desk workers alike to maximize muscle recovery. With the recent increase in the number of people working from home (thanks to COVID), everyone could use a little more assistance on those days when you find yourself snarled up and unable to make it to your Osteopath appointment.

How to use massage ball with spikes.
Massage Ball Spikes

According to research, maintaining flexibility, relieving muscle tension, and optimizing performance are all benefits of using a spiky ball daily.

Spiky Massage Balls have been referred to as "evil torture devices." Self-therapy on certain locations has grown increasingly popular due to the availability of these devices.

What do spiky massage balls do?

Spiky balls are used to treat the myofascial system, which helps to relieve muscular tension, improve blood flow, raise body awareness, and aid in injury prevention and recovery. Spiky balls can reduce pain levels and enhance range of motion by stimulating trigger points in certain muscles, leading to improved joint motion.

The use massage ball with spikes has several health benefits, which are listed below. Using these chiropractic devices is especially effective if you are experiencing muscular soreness and/or tightness following an exercise session or prolonged sitting time. Given their portability and affordability, they are a great item to have on hand when scheduling a last-minute appointment with your massage therapist or chiropractor; this is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic when scheduling appointments can be difficult.

This tool could assist in the relief of muscular stiffness and knots throughout the body. It is a type of self-massage therapy that targets the myofascial system, which helps to enhance blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness by relaxing the muscles. This, in turn, helps to expedite the course of rehabilitation and the physical recovery process. Because of the firm and the prickly surface of the massage ball, it is much simpler to reach problematic areas and deep muscular rigidity with massage with ball.

Are spiky massage balls good?

Spiky balls can be utilized for a variety of injuries, aches, and pains across the body, including but not limited to:

• Lower back discomfort

• Tight or aching glutes (buttock muscles)

• Tightness in the hamstrings

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

The wonderful thing about the spiky massage ball is that it is small and compact, making it handy to travel with or bring to work with you, as well as being quite simple to use. You can use them in various postures, including sitting, standing, and reclining. For the most part, if you have a tight or hurting location, you should place the spiky ball there and apply prolonged light to medium pressure with your own body weight, holding for up to 90 seconds. A gentle up and down, or side to side motion with your body weight and the ball, can help release a larger region of muscular tension than simply rolling the ball on the floor.

For maintenance purposes, you should use your spikey ball 2-3 times a week on a regular basis. You might need to use it more frequently during flare-up or injury, but this is not necessary.

Back Massage with Spike Balls
Back Massage

How do you use a spiked massage ball?

Finding trigger points in your own body and placing the spiky ball there is the goal of self-massage. Then gradually applying your own body weight through the spiky ball will release the trigger point that was previously locked in place.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines trigger points as "discrete, localized, hyperirritable sites positioned inside a taut band of skeletal muscle." They can be either active, in which case they cause pain even when the patient is not moving and may refer pain in specific patterns, or latent, in which case they do not cause pain when the patient is not moving, or spontaneous, in which case they cause pain but do not restrict range of movement or cause a degree of muscle weakness. The Head and neck, lower back and pelvis, hamstring muscle group, and shoulder girdle are the most prevalent body parts that are influenced by active trigger points.

Treatment of chronic pain problems necessitates the removal of trigger points in the skeletal muscles.

Are small massage balls with spikes to stimulate the muscles?

This makes them ideal for tying knots and getting into tight spaces. Spikey Balls can reduce pain levels and enhance range of motion by targeting trigger points in certain muscles, leading to improved joint motion as a result of this targeting.

To alleviate muscular tension, promote blood flow, raise body awareness, and aid in injury prevention and rehabilitation, spiky balls are used to treat the myofascial* system of the body.

By targeting trigger points, spiky balls can help to alleviate discomfort while also increasing range of motion through certain muscles, which in turn helps to improve overall joint movement.

Postural stress can be relieved by using Spiky Balls as well. When we are glued to our desks all day, the muscles that hold us in place (usually those with our shoulders rounded and our upper back depressed) get overworked (which could be relieved via upper body work out), shortened, and tight. Allowing these muscles to relax with the help of a spiky ball can significantly lessen our susceptibility to chronic postural difficulties and the associated increased risk of various injuries. It is referred to as the myofascial system because it is composed of the body's network of muscles as well as its fascia, which is a thin sheath (think cling film) that lies overlying muscles and serves as a connective link between muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels, among other things to cause a myofascial release.

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