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As humans, we have all experienced stress at some point in our lives. It could be due to an increase in office workload or simply because we are at a point in our lives where we are supposed to be.

Regularly, we hear people cry, 'Oh! What a stressful day!' or 'Gosh! I'm so stressed.' But what exactly is stress?

What is stress?

It is defined as a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Any event or thought that irritates, enrages, or makes you nervous can set it off.

Your body's response to a challenge or demand is called stress. Stress can be beneficial in small doses, such as when it helps you avoid danger or make a deadline. On the other hand, stress could be on the other hand, stress lasts for a long time.

Physical stress, psychological stress, psychosocial stress, and psychospiritual stress are the four forms or categories of stress.

relieve and reduce stress with simple remedy and stress balls
  • Physical stress

Physical stress comprises of the following: trauma, strenuous physical labor/over-exertion, environmental pollution, illness, fatigue, insufficient oxygen supply, hypoglycemia, hormonal and/or biochemical imbalances, dietary stress, unhealthy eating habits.

  • Psychological stress

Emotional stress, cognitive stress, perceptual stress

  • Psychosocial stress

Relationship/marriage issues, lack of social support, insufficient resources for adequate survival, loss of employment/investments/savings, loss of loved ones, bankruptcy, home foreclosure, and isolation are all examples of psychosocial stress.

  • Psychospiritual stress

Psychospiritual stress is characterized by a crisis of values, meaning, and purpose; joyless striving (rather than productive, satisfying, meaningful, and rewarding employment); and misalignment of one's underlying spiritual beliefs.

How to reduce stress

Now that you know what stress is and the different types of stress that exist, let's look at some techniques to lessen the impact of stress.

We are all subjected to stressful situations at some point in our lives, ranging from minor annoyances like traffic jams to more serious issues like a loved one's terminal illness. Whatever the reason, stress floods your body with hormones. Your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes more rapid, and your muscles tense.

improve mood and reduce stress by relaxing your mind

Relaxation techniques are an effective tool in dealing with stress. Relaxation is more than just having fun or doing something you enjoy. Relaxation is a strategy used to reduce the detrimental effects of stress on the mind and body. They can assist you in dealing with everyday stress as well as stress caused by medical disorders such as heart disease and pain.

But before we delve into the different ways of dealing with stress, what are the types of relaxation techniques?

  • Autogenic

The term "autogenic" refers to something that originates from within you. To alleviate stress, you combine both visual imagery and body awareness in this relaxing approach.

In your thoughts, you repeat words or suggestions that may help you relax and relieve muscle tension. Imagine a tranquil scene and then concentrate on regulated, relaxed breathing, decreasing your heart rate, or experiencing other bodily sensations, such as relaxing each arm or leg one at a time.

  • Visualization

Using this relaxation technique, you can use me

Mental images to take a visual journey to a tranquil, calming place or situation.

When using visualization to relax, attempt to include as many sensations as possible, such as smell, sight, sound, and touch. Consider the fragrance of salt water, the sound of crashing waves, and the warmth of the sun on your skin if you envision resting at the beach.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

In this relaxation technique, you focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle.

This will help you focus on the distinction between muscle tension and muscle relaxation. It is possible to make physical sensations more conscious.

In one method of progressive muscle relaxation, begin by tensing and relaxing the muscles in your toes and work your way up to your neck and head. Begin at your head, and then work your way down to your toes. Repeat by tensing for five seconds and then releasing for 30 seconds.

The following are some of the ways that relaxation techniques could help you lower stress:

  • Yoga, tai chi, and qigong

Some of the most popular relaxation exercises are yoga, tai chi, and qigong. These three ancient disciplines consist of a series of postures or flowing movements accompanied by rhythmic breathing. These exercises' physical features create a mental focus that can help you focus on anything other than your rushing thoughts. They can also assist you in becoming more adaptable and balanced. If you are not normally active, have health issues, or suffer from a painful or disabling condition, these relaxation techniques may be too difficult for you. Consult your doctor before you begin.

Another relaxation exercise that could be carried out is the use of stress balls. They are malleable toys not more than 7cm in diameter which is squeezed in the hand and manipulated by the fingers, ostensibly to relieve stress and muscle tension or to exercise the muscles of the hand.

  • Guided imagery

You use this approach to help you relax and focus by conjuring up pleasant sights, places, or events in your mind. You can find free apps and online recordings of relaxing scenes—just make sure to pick images that you like and have personal meaning. Although guided imagery can help you maintain a positive image of yourself, it can be challenging for those who experience intrusive thoughts or have trouble conjuring up mental images.

  • Focused breathing

You take long, calm, deep breaths in this simple but effective technique (also known as abdominal or belly breathing). You carefully disconnect your mind from distracting ideas and sensations as you breathe. People with eating problems may find that focusing on their breath can help them focus on their bodies more positively. This procedure, however, may not be suitable for people who have health issues that make breathing difficult, such as respiratory problems or heart failure.

meditate to improve the overall mind and body wellness

  • Mantra Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an old style of meditation that encourages people to be aware of what is going on in the present moment.

It encourages you to be more attentive to your body, your thoughts, and the environment.

On the other side, mantra meditation is the polar opposite of mindfulness meditation. This technique involves focusing all of your attention on a single object, such as a mantra, a candle flame, or a word.

In all forms of meditation, you just refocus when your mind.

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