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One of the most common sports injuries is the hamstring strain. They're also some of the hardest to cure. If you don't treat this condition promptly, it can be very painful and negatively impact your health.

Your hamstrings are a group of muscles that allow you to move your legs. A hamstring strain or injury occurs when one or more of these muscles tear. Most hamstring strains happen when a muscle is overused or under too much stress during an activity or sports. The majority of these hamstring injuries that affect the tendons are partial tears or full tears.

Avoid Hamstring Injuries
Avoid Hamstring Injuries

Even though hamstring injuries are common in athletes, they can happen to anyone, especially those who are active. This article will discuss what causes hamstring injuries and how to treat them so you can get back to living your life to the fullest.

What causes hamstring injuries?

Both direct and indirect factors can cause hamstring injuries. A direct hamstring strain doesn't happen very often. When it does, it's usually because of a strong force from the outside, like an accident. On the other hand, an indirect hamstring injury happens when muscles contract in a way called "eccentric contraction."

A muscle activity called an eccentric contraction is when the fibers stretch in response to an outside force and contract at the same time to slow down the movement. An example of such movement is running down a hill. Not all injuries are the same. They can range from a small tear in a muscle to a major tear in a muscle fiber.

If you overstretch the hamstrings when doing things like kicking a soccer ball, it puts more stress on the muscles, which can lead to hamstring injuries. Most times, the tear in your hamstring does not occur overnight. It results from small wear in your muscles that has been left untreated.

Can a hamstring injury be cured at home?

Experts say that in most cases, minor hamstring strains heal on their own after a long rest. But there are things you can do at home to speed up the healing process of your hamstring pain. And they include:

Elevate your leg

If you notice that your hamstring is injured, the first thing you want to do is put your leg in an elevated position. You can use a pillow, a bench, or any other elevated surface around you. Doing this will prevent further blood flow to the hamstring, which helps to limit swelling. According to experts, you should elevate your leg for at least two hours daily to help heal your condition.

Use compression method

You can use a bandage or tie a piece of cloth around your hamstring to create compression in your leg. Experts say that compressing a muscle injury helps reduce swelling and restrict movement to prevent further damage.

Try cold therapy

If you have an ice pack at home, you should apply it to your hamstring area. Alternatively, you can wrap frozen peas or ice cubes from your freezer in a light towel. Experts say you should apply the cold item to the injured region for at least ten minutes every two hours. It would be best if you did this as often as you can daily.

Use pain medication

If you are in a lot of pain, you can take over-the-counter pain killer drugs such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. You can also use anti-inflammatory creams to help you cope with your pain. Both of these options will help to reduce your pain, but the effects only last for a short time.

Try massage

If your hamstring pain is bearable, you can massage the area for muscle recovery. You can do this with your hands, but if you have a massage ball at home, it will make things easier for you. Experts say you should place the massage ball at the back of your knee. Then gently move it upward. Just make sure you do this movement slowly to avoid further wear and tear.

Avoid stretching

Experts say that one of the biggest mistakes that people with hamstring strain make is to stretch. Your muscles are injured; you do not need to apply more pressure on them by stretching as it can cause further tearing and increase your pain. Instead, you should try to avoid putting pressure on your hamstring. You could use crutches or a cane to enable you to move without putting weight on your leg muscles.

How quickly can you recover hamstring injury?

The period it takes for your hamstring injury to heal will depend on the severity of your injury. According to experts, a minor hamstring injury will take about six to eight weeks to heal completely. If your hamstring is severely damaged, it can take three months or more for you to get back on your feet again.

What happens if you don't treat a pulled hamstring?

The hamstrings are a major group of leg muscles. They are very important for mobility. If you have hamstring pain and don't do anything about it, it will get worse. Medically, there are two types of hamstring injuries. One type of hamstring injury is when the muscle is torn, and another is when the muscle is pulled. People with less serious injuries are said to have pulled their hamstrings. Others with major muscle tears have torn hamstring injuries. If you wait too long to treat either of these hamstring injuries, you might need physical therapy or even surgery to fix the problem. Also, your hamstring injury will take longer to heal. If you are an athlete, this will affect your sports career. For non-athletes, it will negatively impact their productivity and health. In addition, not treating your hamstring strain will put you in a lot of pain for a long time which will affect your quality of life.



Hamstring injuries are more common than most people think. It affects the major muscles that enable us to move our legs properly. Hamstring strain can be caused by a direct accident or attack. But most times, it occurs due to muscle overuse. If you have a hamstring injury, you can use an ice pack, elevate the leg, massage the area, or tie a bandage around it. You can also take medication to ease your pain quickly. If your pain persists, you should see a doctor immediately.

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